Origin: FOLDER__ - 0001 - Newsletter To: ALL From: SARKIS@LUNA.CAS.USF.EDU Public Date: 01/17/95 at 03:26 Re: OMiNous 1.1 (LONG) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Path: news.alpha.net!uwm.edu!spool.mu.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!pipex!uunet!svc.portal.com!shell.portal.com!usenet From: sarkis@luna.cas.usf.edu (Marianne Sarkis, OMiNous Editor) Newsgroups: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.pagan,alt.consciousness,alt.philosophy.zen,alt.religion.vaisnava,alt.religion.christian,alt.mythology,alt.satanism,talk.religion.buddhism,talk.religion.newage,talk.religion.misc,alt.religion.gnosis,alt.religion.shamanism Subject: OMiNous 1.1 (LONG) Followup-To: poster Date: 17 Jan 1995 03:26:41 GMT Organization: Portal Communications (shell) Lines: 588 Message-ID: <3ffddh$rp8@news1.shell> NNTP-Posting-Host: jobe.shell.portal.com Summary: This is a regular epublication containing networking information pertinent to the study of the occult and mysticism. It is a project of the Occult and Mysticism Network (OMNet). Xref: news.alpha.net alt.magick.tyagi:1727 alt.magick:37271 alt.pagan:87216 alt.consciousness:9501 alt.philosophy.zen:652 alt.religion.vaisnava:140 alt.religion.christian:17135 alt.mythology:11512 alt.satanism:13572 talk.religion.buddhism:3474 talk.religion.newage:34380 talk.religion.misc:148117 alt.religion.shamanism:435 Archive-name: alt/magick/ominous1.1 Posting-Frequency: to alt.magick -- monthly [This file may be found at the following locations:] [FTP://ftp.lysator.liu.se/pub/magick/OMNet/omin1.1 ] [ FTP://ftp.portal.com/pub/OMNet/omin1.1 ] O M i N o u s V o l u m e #1 Issue #1 Introduction Welcome to the first issue of the OMiNous newsletter! Bringing you the latest in occult and mystical information from the front lines of the Internet magical and spiritual communities, we've set up the OMNET-L elist to receive your data and to send forth a polished compendium mirror. Supported by the Occult and Mysticism Network (OMNet), and a feed-mechanism for the MaGI's Guide to the Internet (MaGI), the OMiNous will be shipped out to all subscribers of OMNET-L and to many pertinent Internet forums on a monthly basis. See listings 0.0 and 0.1 for more information on the above. Enjoy! = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 0.0 OMiNous newsletter and OMNET-L Date: 1/16/1995 To: OMNET-L From: sarkis@luna.cas.usf.edu (Marianne Sarkis, OMiNous EdiTor) The OMNET-L Email List OMNET-L is a channel for the Occult and Mysticism Network, a group of people dedicated to facilitating public access to arcane and esoteric documents and social groups. Members are currently carrying out various projects that fulfill these purposes. Our initial focus is the continued revision of the _MaGI's Guide to the Internet_ (MaGI) and the WWW 'OMNet Page' (OMPage), available at the locations listed below. This newsletter is compiled from contributions to OMNET-L. Subject matter will include information from networks, organizations, publications, and individuals and will be emailed to subscribers regularly. Data pertinent to cybernauts will be skimmed for the MaGI. Epub://OMiNous Post://OMNET-L@nosferatu.cas.usf.edu. Sub://listserv@nosferatu.cas.usf.edu Text://"SUBSCRIBE OMNET-L " Epub://MaGI's Guide to the Internet (MaGI) FTP://ftp.portal.com/pub/ss/OMNet/magi FTP://nic.funet.fi/pub/doc/occult/magick/MaGI2 FTP://ftp.netcom.com/pub/caw/Info/mage-guide2 WWW://'OMNet Page' (OMPage) Http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu:8001/usr/sk4p/om For OMNET-L, Marianne Sarkis = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 0.1 OMNet (Occult and Mysticism Network) Date: 49941219 To: OMNET-L From: tyagi@houseofkaos.abyss.com (tyagi nagasiva, ss) OMNet is a group of individuals dedicated to the purposes of facilitating public access to occult and mystical documents and social groups, and to promoting interdisciplinary information exchange. The OMiNous and OMNET-L are vehicles of this public access, and the MaGI is currently the focal point for the organization. For additional information about OMNet, find the Foundation Document at the OMNet FTP site listed below, or contact me via email with specific questions. Org://OMNet (Occult and Mysticism Network) FTP://ftp.portal.com/pub/ss/OMNet Ref://tyagi@houseofkaos.abyss.com (tyagi nagasiva, ss) For OMNet, tyagi ss = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = TABLE OF CONTENTS NEW DATA: --------- 1. Buddhist Resources 2. Ten Zen Bulls 3. Jack Parsons -- WWW 4. Psychedelic WWW Page and Inforbot 5. Shamanism WWW 6. Taoism WWW 7. Thelema FTP 8. FTP Books of Shadows 9. Eastern Religions WWW 10. Mythology WWW 11. Dark Side of the Net #4 12. Elfinkind Digest REQUESTS: --------- 13. Islam WWW 14. Occult WWW -- Need help with Occult-based WWW page 15. Bhakti Yoga WWW page ANNOUNCEMENTS: -------------- 16. New Email Magazine => * * * S A R S E N * * * 17. New Mail Address for FiatLVX Elist (Magical Christians) MISC: ----- 18. ELECTRONIC LIBRARY ON CULTS AND COERCIVE MIND CONTROL 19. Paramind Brainstorming Program 20. OTT Info/Contact = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = NEW DATA: --------- 1. Buddhist Resources Date: 14 Nov 1994 15:48:51 GMT A list of information resources including Buddhist literature, activities, and discussion groups is being constructed by peng@xenoy.mae.cornell.edu (Hsuan Peng). Comments, suggestions and updates are welcome. To: talk.religion.buddhism From: peng@xenoy.mae.cornell.edu (Hsuan Peng) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 2. Ten Zen Bulls Date: Thu, 17 Nov 1994 22:55:19 GMT I have recently made a version of the 12-century Zen classic "10 Bulls" available on the World Wide Web. "10 Bulls" is a set of ten poems with commentaries, written originally by the Zen master Kakuan, about searching for a bull. It is traditionally published with associated illustations, making it a perfect subject for the WWW. The translation I made available is by Nyogen Senzaki and Paul Reps, and the illustrations are by Tomikichiro Tokuriki. Comments and suggestions welcome. The URL is: http://fas.sfu.ca/1/cs/people/ResearchStaff/-> jamie/personal/10_Bulls/Title_Page.html To:talk.religion.buddhism,comp.infosystems.www.misc From: jamie@cs.sfu.ca (Jamie Andrews) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 3. Jack Parsons -- WWW Date: Thu, 17 Nov 1994 19:07:24 +1100 If you are interested there is an URL with his Book of Babalon and Anti-Christ. This can be found at http://www.uib.no/zoo/wolf/bjorn/magick.html To: tyagi@houseofkaos.abyss.com From: seans@solution.maths.unsw.edu.au (Sean R.Scullion) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 4. Psychedelic WWW Page and Inforbot Date: Fri, 18 Nov 94 16:43:24 PDT Psychedelic Culture (Island Group); Psychedelic WWW Island Group is dedicated to the creation of a psychedelic cutlure. In order to achieve this, we will blend together a number of new ideas including: the new physics, psychedelic drugs, mind machines, smart drugs, virtual reality, consciousness science, utopian communities, shamanism and ancient ways, small groups and the world wide web. Look for online version of Best of Island Views including articles by Timothy Leary and Albert Hofmann as well as an interview with Laura Huxley. http:\\www.human.com\mkt\island For info pacakge all about Island send any e-mail to: ISLAND-INFO@CUE.COM To: alt.magick From: bruce@mindware.com = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 5. Shamanism WWW Date: 25 Nov 1994 03:21:41 -0600 As part of their world wide web server "Nemeton", UK band The Shamen have set up an on-line resource guide for shamanism. Currently this contains an annotated bibliograpby and a WWW "front-end" to this newsgroup. http://www.demon.co.uk/drci/shamen/shamanism/shamanism.html To: soc.religion.shamanism From: S.M.Clark@lut.ac.uk (Sean Clark) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 6. Taoism WWW Date: 13 Nov 1994 21:30:48 -0800 If you are interested, there is a Taoism page on World Wide Web. http://www.cnu.edu/~patrick/taoism.html To: soc.religion.eastern From: glenl@mcs.com (Glen Lock) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 7. Thelema FTP Date: Wed, 23 Nov 1994 23:06:06 -0500 Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. I'm happy to announce that I have set up an anonymous FTP area for the Crowley Windows Help files some of you have heard me talk about. I've had a lot of fun doing marathon /dcc sessions in IRC to all my new friends in #thelema, but this should help to make then a little easier to get and make them more generally available to the Internet Magick community. The site address is: ftp.winternet.com/users/robin I've put up the Liber AL, and the new and improved Magick in Theory and Practice files, as well as the qabala calculator and a Help version of the MaGI guide to the interenet, plus a couple other odds and ends. With luck I will soon upload the voluminous Equinox Vol I Help file as well. Love is the law, love under will. From: Robin = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 8. FTP Books of Shadows Date: Fri, 25 Nov 1994 15:23:19 GMT Update: Tue, 29 Nov 1994 01:37:11 GMT Update2: Mon, 12 Dec 1994 15:26:07 GMT I have just uploaded straight ASCII versions of The Book of Shadows by Riders of The Crystal Wind. All seven volumes are now available (my thanks to Rainer Heilke for sending me volumes 6 & 7), and I hope to have ASCII versions from the author/compiler very soon. I have also been informed that volume 8 will be available soon. ftp://ftp.lysator.liu.se/pub/religion/neopagan/BOS Bright Blessings! To: alt.pagan From: tsewell@netcom.com (Tim Sewell) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 9. Eastern Religions WWW Date: 29 Nov 1994 22:21:21 -0800 Just wanted to let you know that a new WWW site of interest to the readers of this group is on line at: http://www.primenet.com/~lion/index.html To: soc.religion.eastern From: Freedom = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 10. Mythology WWW Date: 10 Nov 1994 01:12:36 GMT Gods on File, a World Wide Web site for mythology, is now up and running. The site is still under construction (hardhats are mandatory), but it now includes a fair smattering of mythology-related FAQ's, bibliographies, short texts, information about other internet resources, and a dictionary of gods and goddesses (still in its infancy). There are also URL's pointing to major texts such as the Bible, Bulfinch's Mythology and Grimm's Fairy Tales. Comments and suggestions are welcome. Http://www.the-wire.com/culture/mythology/mythtext.html FTP://the-wire.com/culture/mythology Email://mythology@the-wire.com Ref://mythology@the-wire.com (Mark de la Hey) To: alt.mythology From: untangl@psyche.the-wire.com (Robert O'Connell) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 11. Dark Side of the Net #4 Date: 9 Dec 1994 00:36:25 GMT The Dark Side of the Net is a list of gothic, wiccan, pagan, vampire, occult, and various other dark resources available on the Internet. The list includes IRC channels, mailing lists, ftp sites, newsgroups, gophers, and E-zines. The list is on its 4th issue and was last updated on 12/01/94. To obtain a copy of the Dark Side of the Net: Email://carriec@eskimo.com Http://www.cascade.net/dark.html Comments and suggestions are welcome. From: carriec@eskimo.com (Carrie Carolin) To: alt.magick.tyagi = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 12. Elfinkind Digest Date: Tue, 27 Sep 1994 19:20:43 +0100 (BST) To send a message to the digest, or to request your name be added to the list, please send mail to one of the following addresses: North America, or those overseas with International Access: vicka@hardy.u.washington.edu United Kingdom (only): elfinkind@uk.ac.ed.castle - to submit a message elfinkind-request@uk.ac.ed.castle - to be added to the digest mailing list Administrative and/or non-digest-wide communications should be marked as such within their subject lines. If you send a message to the appropriate address, with 'ADMIN' or some such as the subject, and ask to be added to the list, Dar (our moderator) will send you the appropriate info. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = REQUESTS: --------- 13. Islam WWW Date: Wed, 16 Nov 94 10:17:44 EST I also wish to know if anyone has any texts on-line. I am currently working on setting up a gopher/WWW area for the Muslim student organization at SUNY/Buffalo, and would like to have 'links' to such resources. Currently, there are Qur'an and Hadith (Bukhari, Qudsi) translations available. You can start with any of the following sites: http://www.cco.caltech.edu/~calmsa/calmsa.html 'gopher cwis.usc.edu', choose: Campus_Life; Student_Orgs; MSA 'ftp ftp.cco.caltech.edu', go to the '/pub/calmsa' directory From: hanif@petnet.buffalo.edu (Hanif Khalak) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 14. Occult WWW -- Need help with Occult-based WWW page Date: 29 Sep 1994 16:29:11 GMT I would like to set up Web pages on the world of the occult, but I have neither the time nor the expertise to do it on my own. Those interested please send email to marduk@tc.cornell.edu. http://www.tc.cornell.edu/~marduk/ To: alt.magick From: marduk@rocky.tc.cornell.edu (Albert W. Hopkins) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 15. Bhakti Yoga WWW page Date: 8 Dec 1994 22:05:24 -0500 Is there anyone out there who does not have access to WWW but does have mail or news access and would like to see articles, excerpts, etc. that we put on the Bhakti Yoga Site? http://riceinfo.rice.edu/~vijaypai/rvc/BhaktiYoga/Welcome.html Thanx for the good info. Rasaraja dasa From: rasarajdas@aol.com (RasarajDas) To: alt.religion.vaisnava = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ANOUNCEMENTS: ------------- 16. New Email Magazine => * * * S A R S E N * * * Date: Fri, 18 Nov 1994 12:39:53 -0300 What the magazine will contain is articles written by YOU about all aspects of modern Spirituality in relation to technology - including techno-shamanism, techno-druidry and others - I want your views! To subscribe to the magazine send an email containing your email adress in the body to: Subs://sarsen-subscribe@sarsen.demon.co.uk If you would like to submit an article for possible publishing in the magazine, please send your contribution to: sarsen-editor@sarsen.demon.co.uk To: alt.magick From: McGowan_J_JAMES@bt-web.bt.co.uk (James McGowan) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 17. New Mail Address for FiatLVX Elist (Magical Christians) Date: Wed, 30 Nov 1994 08:29:04 -0500 Elist://Fiat L.V.X. Sub://Majordomo@sard.mv.net Text://subscribe fiatlvx-l From: tyagi@houseofkaos.abyss.com = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = MISCELLANEOUS: -------------- 18. ELECTRONIC LIBRARY ON CULTS AND COERCIVE MIND CONTROL An Anti-Defamation League/Cult Awareness Network Project Date: 7 Nov 1994 12:05:15 -0500 F.A.C.T.Net, Inc. (Fight Against Coercive Tactics Network) is a nonprofit educational organization that has collected the largest amount of computerized material on cults and coercive mind control in the world. This information is made it available to the public through its computer bulletin board (BBS) and various Internet services. F.A.C.T.Net's mission is to provide a global electronic clearinghouse for private study, scholarship, and research on cults and the advancements and use of coercive mind control, and to promote human rights and justice through education and open dialog on these subjects. Our organization is new to the Internet community. http://www.acmeweb.com/factnet email://factnet@rmii.com To: talk.religion.newage From: tbear@access3.digex.net (Abdkabir) Orig-From: saladin@genie.geis.com = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 19. Paramind Brainstorming Program Date: Sat, 23 Jul 1994 23:22:20 GMT A mailing list devoted to higher-consciousness.... Ideas in computer-generated writing.... Elist://paramind-request@eskimo.com) Info://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/micro/pc-stuff/ms-windows/writing/- ->Paramind.zip Info://ftp.aip.de:~ftp/pub/soft/msdos Paramind is a unique brainstorming program that operates on the principle of the "exhaustion of the interactions of words." It is totally configurable and can be used to logically expand any idea from that needed by research institutes to surreal lyrics. It comes with a database of 200 related word chains, and you can add as many of your own as you like. You can paste in text from any Windows program into its editor to logically expand in infinite ways. To: alt.consciousness From: telical@eskimo.com (Robert Pearson) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 20. OTT Info/Contact Date: 15 Aug 1994 15:06:37 GMT The OTT, an organization of sisters devoted to education and action, would like to announce that, having finished its recent four year cycle, it is once again taking applications for the positions of operative and student. Applications from males are also welcome. This is the first advertisement offered on the net, and to facilitate the progress of those who may live in remote locations, the entire student course will be available to those with net access. For information or student applications, please reply to this message stating your reason for interest. For operative applications, please reply stating your objectives and prior experience with the OTT or reason for wanting to work for it. To: alt.magick From: lwedner@cc.emory.edu (Laura Wedner) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = This document is Copyright (c) 1994, Occult and Mysticism Network (OMNet). All rights reserved. Permission to distribute the collection is hereby granted providing that distribution is electronic, no money is involved, reasonable attempts are made to procure the latest editions and all credits and this copyright notice is maintained. Other requests for distribution should be directed to the editor. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = EOF Ominous 1.0 <*>